A Sneak Peak at the Des Moines Farm

Studio Bee

September 24, 2023


5 Min Read


Wilson’s Orchard & Farm in Des Moines will be opening for strawberry season 2023, and thereafter will be open year-round, just like our farm in Iowa City. 

The farm itself is about 115 acres with almost 30 acres devoted to rotational grazing of livestock. The remaining farm land will be planted into fruit trees, berries, pumpkins, flowers and vegetables.

Apart from the farm, we will also have a farm market, similar to the one in Iowa City, where guests can purchase pre-picked produce, prepared foods, beverages, as well as merchandise, crafts, and gifts.

Unlike the Iowa City farm, the bakery, restaurant, cider production, and farm market will all be integrated into one facility, connected with a large indoor and outdoor seating area. We believe that this will greatly improve the guest experience.

Another significant difference between the Des Moines and Iowa City locations is that we will be producing our hard cider there, and as a result we will offer interactive experiences designed around the celebration and pairing of hard cider and food.

In the coming years we plan to do more at both farms and throughout the state to educate our communities about the importance of agriculture and especially, local, ethical and regenerative agriculture.